Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Crossing the Border

Stage 2: Halls Gap - Adelaide

Distance: 505km

Weather: Fine and mild - good travelling weather

Saturday 5th May
We arrived at the Levi Caravan Park at 3.15pm and quickly set up. We really like this park alongside the Torrens Linear Park with its delightful cycling/walking tracks, close to the city, not too expensive, easy to get to with the van and only 10 mins from Geoff and Tricia's. Our evening with them was just lovely and included a good walk, great meal, lots of chat, and the footy.

Sunday 6th May
Church at Knightsbridge Baptist - wonderful singing, lovely Service and Communion. After lunch with G & T we read for a while and then drove to South Glenelg. The forecast was for a sunny and warm (22) day, but it wasn't. Would you believe cold, windy and drizzly rain. We still managed a brisk walk and good coffee and cake in a beachside cafe.

Geoff & Tricia's friends David and Sandra joined us for dinner and there was a lot of stimulating conversation and laughter. A good day!

Monday 7th May                                                                                                                                    
After a quiet 'domestic' morning we travelled out to Elizabeth for lunch with Graeme and Bronwyn Rogerson. Graeme is one of the  ministers at the Church of Christ and Bronwyn works in the office on Mondays. They have only been there for three months and it has been quite a change having come from 15 years ministry in Victor Harbor. It was good to catch up with them again. A quiet afternoon followed, Merilyn slept and Bruce read and after an early tea we met up with G & T at the Trak Cinema to see the film 'The Way' or 'The Walk', I can't remember which, starring Martin Sheen. It was a fundraiser for the Tanzanian - Australian group.   

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