Distance: 276km
Weather: Cold,windy,showers
Friday May 4
The trip was very smooth and very familiar. We called on Carole McGregor at Great Western and her husband Ross returned home from a school camp before we left which was good. We really enjoy visiting their farm. The reason we stayed in Halls Gap was so that we could go to the 'Pomonal Singers' for Merilyn's last night as a leader. This group has meant a lot to her and it was lovely night. There were 18 folk there who sang well, laughed a lot and there were a few tears as farewells were said. The group sang two songs especially for the occassion and presented Merilyn with a large bunch of floweres and a beautiful gift of a James McMurtrie glass bowl, she was overwhelmed by their generousity. Over the past 3 years more than 70 people have been in the group at some stage with ages ranging from 10 to 80. The numbers settled to about 20 regulars over the last 12 months and there has been a lot of fun and caring for each other as well as some very good singing. It is pleasing to know that the group will continue under Virginia's leading after a winter break. The group has been a highlight of Merilyn's retirement thus far and she is going to miss the challenge and the people. The tears flowed as she read their card as we travelled the next day.
Leaving Drysdale |
Jack is wondering why your map is not up to date. Leisel says she misses you and it feels different and she wishes she was on holiday with you. Megism of the day is 'I am saturated cold'. Does the glass bowl need looking after?