Monday 1 October 2012

Home, but no House - yet!

Yes, after 21 weeks away, travelling over 21,000km and staying in 74 different places we are back in Drysdale. Our trip has been everything we hoped it would be. We know a lot more about our wonderful country and the people who live and work in it. We have particularly enjoyed the National Parks (we stayed in 13) and the 8 Stations we stayed on. We are certainly quite fit, slimmer, sun tanned, relaxed and ready to face the next chapter in our lives. Merilyn feels that after this trip our marriage will probably last!

Our trip home was quick - 600km one day and nearly 800km the next. The country was very familiar, a gale force wind was behind us, and the prediction of very cold and wet weather over the next few days made the thought of a bed in a warm house with no walk to the toilet very appealing and we just kept going. As the Huddarts have another week away we will have their house to ourselves for the week which will give us time to clean the very dirty car, the absolutely filthy van, our clothes and ourselves.

The car performed particuarly well for the whole trip - not one problem, but the van has a few small jobs to be done, the biggest problem was the amount of dust which got in on the dirt roads. After a service and some work we should be ready to go again in another week!

Because the Bellarine Peninsula has had it's wettest winter in 100 years the house is almost 3 months behind. At least the frame is now up and lock up shouldn't be too far away. We have been very pleased to walk through the rooms and look forward to completion and moving day with great anticipation.
Thanks to all those who have made nice comments about the blog. This is not the end of the Gap Year or the blog. Who knows what next week will bring!

1 comment:

  1. It is kind of sad to have you home - you were our vicarious adventure while we were stuck at desks and homes. Very happy that it was a great trip though and thanks for sharing.
    PS Let Merilyn know that you can buy the little tiny UHT milk cups from Officeworks. :)
